- 开发文档更新
- 对dicom解析进行优化
- 预取API支持异步调用和callback 功能
- 底层支持Amazon S3和电信云存储
- Bug fix: 解决非法dicom文件(VR内容非法)读取问题
- Bug fix: 解决MPR绘制可能存在的默认ww wl不对的问题(仅针对部分REST模式下)
Release note
- Update user develop document
- Optimize the dicom parseing speed for rest mode
- Prefetch API supports asynchronous call and callback functions
- The support for Amazon S3 and Ctyun cloud storage
- Bug fix: Resolve illegal dicom file (VR type content illegal) reading problem
- Bug fix: Solving the problem that the default ww wl of the MPR drawing may be wrong