LinkEye viewer v2.6.6.2 released


  1. 3D Viewer中加入3D 定位(Picking)功能:点击后,MPR位置同步
  2. 3D Viewer中加入3D 光标功能:在3D图像中显示MPR 十字线位置
  3. 选中的序列缩略图更明显
  4. 第三方数据库集成支持dicom下载功能

Release note

  1. 3D picking is supported in 3d viewer
  2. 3D cursor(will display the mpr crossline positon in 3d view) is supported
  3. Improve series selection style
  4. Download dicom  is supporting in third-party database integration


LinkEye viewer v2.6.6.1 released


  1. 窗宽窗位预设菜单可以显示快捷键
  2. 2D点测量移动鼠标时候,可以在窗口上方看到当前的像素值,如果按住shift,移动鼠标,也可以看到像素值
  3. 屏幕宽度大于1500px时候,Header工具栏可以显示更多2D操作按,屏幕高度大于600px时候,mini面板上可以展开更多按钮

Release note

  1. Show hotkey value in ww/wl preset menu
  2. Display pixel value text in the top of window when moving the mouse over the image in pixel measurement mode or “Shift” was pressed
  3. More buttons will displayed when viewer’s width over 1500px or height over 600px






LinkEye viewer v2.6.5.9 released


  1. 对CT图像点测量显示HU单位
  2. bug fix:解决部分有符号图像RLE压缩错误问题(对浏览过的问题图像,需要清空indexedDB缓存,如果仍然不行,则需要清理服务端缓存数据)
  3. 标注的Handle显示为十字线,而不是圆圈,避免遮挡图像

Release note

  1. Display “HU” for pixel measurement
  2. bug fix: rle compression for some signed dicom image
  3. display ‘cross’  for measurement handles

LinkEye viewer v2.6.5.8 released


  1. 新特性:3D加入2*2布局,且加入布局切换按钮
  2. 改善:测量工具,handler 变小,避免遮挡图像(除了点标注)
  3. 改善:工具栏自适应布局,可以根据屏幕大小来自适应显示工具按钮
  4. 其他bug修改

Release note

  1. Support 1 by 3 and 2 by 2 image layout in 3d viewer
  2. display measurement with smaller handlers to avoid handler occlusion images
  3. support adaptive toolbar based on the screen width
  4. bug fix

LinkEye viewer v2.6.5.6 released


  1. 2D viewer支持更多布局:序列布局(2*1, 2*3, 3*2, 4*3)和图像布局(2*1, 2*3, 3*2, 4*3, 4*4)
  2. Viewer参数修改 targetApp->tarApp, defaultApp->defApp
  3. 开发文档更新:加入defaultApp参数,并提供进入ve的参数(&tarApp=ve)

Release note:

  1. More layout supported in 2d viewer:series layout(2*1, 2*3, 3*2, 4*3) and image layouts(2*1, 2*3, 3*2, 4*3, 4*4)
  2. Viewer param modification: targetApp->tarApp, defaultApp->defApp
  3. Update user document:update &defaultApp and &tarApp