LinkEye viewer v2.6.1.8 released


  1. 获取Study信息支持前端缓存:max-age =120 (秒)
  2. 获取Study信息支持server端redis缓存:过期时间为300秒 (如果要强制刷新,调试时候可以使用F12去掉缓存,或者使用&infoCache=flush)
  3. 获取dicom图像支持前端缓存:max-age = 86400 (24小时),Etag = 文件md5,以优化图像下载速度
  4. 改善:PC端序列列表下载显示为progress bar,而不是百分比text
  5. 改善:优化图像翻页逻辑
  6. Bug fix:渐进式加载时候,DR大图像切换序列或图像可能不实时的问题
  7. Bug fix:如果ww wl为float类型,可能导致MPR绘制错误
  8. Bug fix:手机端切换序列时候,序列下载进度没有更新不正确
  9. Bug fix:解决rest集成模式下,当第一次访问该检查,且序列图像没有下载到server端时候,可能出现的第一次访问3D失败的问题
  10. Bug fix:解决QQ浏览器(包括QQ软件和QQ浏览器)浏览分享连接可能失败的问题


Release note

  1. Getting the study information supports front-end caching: max-age = 120 (seconds)
  2. Getting the study information supports the server-side redis cache: the expiration time is 300 seconds (if you want to force a refresh, you can use F12 to remove the cache when debugging, or use &infoCache=flush)
  3. Get the dicom image support front-end cache: max-age = 86400 (24 hours), Etag = file md5 to optimize image download speed
  4. Improvement: PC-side series list download progress is shown as progress bar instead of percentage text
  5. Improvement: Optimize image scrolling logic
  6. Bug fix: When the progressive loading, DR large image switching series or image may not be real-time problem
  7. Bug fix: If ww wl is of type float, it may cause MPR drawing error.
  8. Bug fix: When the mobile terminal switches series or image, the series download progress is not updated incorrectly
  9. Bug fix: In the restful api  mode, when the series image is not downloaded, the first possible 3D rendering failure may occur
  10. Bug fix: Solving the problem that Tencent browser (including Tencent software and Tencent browser) may not be able to browse shared connections

LinkEye viewer v2.6.1.7 released


  1. 优化:GetSudies加入gzip压缩
  2. Bug fix:解决部分有符号mr图像有损压缩可能出现的问题
  3. Bug fix:解决cloudimage=1参数bug(仅针对上个版本)
  4. Bug fix:解决rest集成模式下下载文件失败的问题(仅针对上个版本)

Release note

  1. Optimization: GetSudies adds gzip compression
  2. Bug fix: Solve some problems with lossy compression of some signed mr images
  3. Bug fix: Solve the cloudimage=1 parameter bug (only for the previous version)
  4. Bug fix:Solve the problem of downloading files in rest integration mode (only for the previous version)

LinkEye Viewer v. released


  1. 多语言重构,不同语言使用不同的文件,且可配置,同时移除代码中中文字符
  2. 优化获取检查信息速度:减少35%的数据信息大小
  3. 优化dicom初始化解析代码,并降低部分内存,去掉jpeg2000解析文件,以提升js加载效率
  4. 分享过期对话框不允许关闭
  5. Bug fix:解决对于没有存储默认窗宽窗位的图像,初始化显示失败的问题
  6. Bug fix:解决非法dicom文件无法解析的问题(定义了Palette Color Lookup Table,但是没有值),导致前端解析错误

Release note

  1. Multi-language re-design, different languages use different files, and configurable. Remove Chinese characters in the code
  2. Optimize the speed of obtaining study information: reduce the size of data information by 35%
  3. Optimize dicom initialization parsing code, reduce memory usage, remove jpeg2000 parsing files to improve js loading efficiency
  4. Share expired dialog does not allow closing
  5. Bug fix: Resolve the problem of initial display failure for dicom images that do not store the default window width/window center.
  6. Bug fix: Resolve an issue where an illegal dicom file cannot be parsed (a Palette Color Lookup Table is defined, but no value), causing a dicom parsing error

LinkEye Viewer v2.6.1.5 released


  1. 改善:DR,CR,MG图像渐进式加载时候使用10%的质量,进一步提升图像下载速度
  2. 设计修改:重构Viewer客户端代码
  3. 支持iis自定义路径显示,例如, 以便更好的支持反向代理和负载均衡
  4. Imageserver使用/imageserver而不是/api调用
  5. 相关bug修改

Release note

  1. Improvement: DR, CR, MG images use 10% quality when progressively loading
  2. Design modification: Refactoring the Viewer client code
  3. Support custom sub-path by IIS. e.g. To better support reverse proxy and load balancing
  4. Imageserver calling use /imageserver instead of /api
  5. Related bug fixes

LinkEye Viewer v2.6.1.4 released


  1. 重新设计客户端和服务的程序
  2. 去掉代码中的中文字符
  3. socket支持不同的二级路径名称,例如ws3d,ws2d,wsrs
  4. Bug fix: 解决CR图像渐进式加载失败的问题

Release note

  1. Re-design the client and server code
  2. remove Chinese  characters in front-side  code
  3. socket support new sub-path, e.g. ws3d,ws2d,wsrs
  4. Bug fix: solve the problem of CR image  progressive loading failure