LinkEye Viewer released


  1. 【新特性】发布远程协作功能(非正式版本)
  2. 【改善】对没有存储metadata header的dicom文件进行支持
  3. 【改善】优化多帧图像的显示速度(如XA图像):Server端先对多frame图像进行解析,然后分别发送 每帧图像到客户端,目前支持DB,DicomQr,Local集成模式
  4. 【改善】重构2D viewer,对序列内图像默认窗宽窗位不同情况进行更合理的显示,默认按照每个图像的默认窗宽窗位显示
  5. 【改善】dicom qr集成时候,可以设置dicom存储路径中父文件夹规则,如studyuid,seriesuid或者patientId
  6. 【改善】dicom qr集成模式支持输入patientId参数(目前仅返回一个study)
  7. 【改善】切换回2D viewer时候,保留图像的布局和位置状态
  8. 【其他】可以接受xxx厂家rest api接口中的patientId字段
  9. 【修改bug】js文件中去掉中文字符
  10. 【修改bug】解决2.6.0.0中ie11浏览器无法显示2d viewer的问题
  11. 【修改bug】解决ie11浏览器中,定位线显示错误的问题

Release note:

  1. [New feature]  Release remote collaboration features (informal version)
  2. [Improvement] Support for bad dicom files that do not store metadata headers
  3. [Improvement] Optimize the display speed of multi-frame images (such as XA images): The server first parses the multi-frame image and then sends each frame image to the client separately
  4. [Improvement] Redesign the 2d viewer to support dicom images with different default window center/window width values within the same series. different image will display with it’s own default window center/window values
  5. [Improvement]  When dicom qr is integrated, you can set the parent folder rules in the dicom storage path, such as studyuid, seriesuid or patientId.
  6. [Improvement] Dicom qr integration mode supports input patientId parameter (currently only one study is returned)
  7. [Improvement] Keep the layout and position status of the image when switching back to the 2D viewer
  8. [Other] Remove Chinese characters from js file
  9. [Bug fix] Solve the problem that IE11 browser can’t display 2d viewer in v2.6.0.0
  10. [Bug fix] Solve the problem that the positioning line shows error in the IE11 browser

LinkEye Viewer released(废弃版本-不发布给客户)


  1. 改善:加入对RLE压缩格式的dicom支持
  2. Bug fix:部分CR或XA图像无法显示测量单位的问题,如果0028,0030,0018,7022都没有保存pixel spacing使用tag (0018,1164)里面的信息
  3. Bug fix:解决部分厂家rest api集成模式下,患者id,检查日期没有显示的问题

Release note

  1.  Improvement: Rle dicom format support
  2. Bug fix:solve the problem that some CR or XA images cannot display the measurement unit. If the tag 0028, 0030 or 0018, 7022 does not save the pixel spacing information, use the information in the tag (0018, 1164)
  3. Bug fix:solve the problem that patient id, sudy date are not displayed in some manufacturers’ rest api integration mode

LinkEye Viewer released


  1. 新特性:支持多网段或者内外网同时访问:内网使用内网通道,外网使用外网通道,系统自动识别访问是否为内网访问
  2. 提供Viewer配置查看功能,地址为:/config/overview?pw=*** (***为配置的ReviewConfigPassword密码)
  3. Bug fix:解决重启操作系统时候,redis可能启动失败,因为redis 服务可能还没有启动