linkimaging – 第27页 – Link-Imaging用户中心
- Viewer Url中支持ui=tool参数,可以隐藏最上方工具栏
- 优化MPR算法层速度,修改为多线程,速度提升20%+
- AI配置文件移动到数据库中
- 关闭ServerManager svc服务时候,同时关闭Volume Service,避免升级程序时候需要手动关闭
Bug fix
- 解决自定义窗宽窗位与快捷键冲突的问题
- 本地(Local file)集成模式,没有传递sopInstanceUid的问题
- 改善Viewer按钮样式
- 支持Chest X线AI产品
bug fix
- 修改上传时候,如果存储空间或检查个数达到上限,且当前数据源允许自动删除时候,无法继续上传的问题
- **重要改善:Uploader 服务功能从Image Server移除,放到Uploader Server(新的server),以便系统更加稳定,并保证职责清晰
Bug Fix
- 解决2D Viewer中可能的问题/Solve possible bugs in 2D viewer
- image download function is supported in ie11 and edge browser
- If there is only one image of the series, other series should not be indexed synchronously with this series
- Same series of MG images, panning should not be synchronized
Bug fix
- Solve the problem that the XA image does not show the slider in the mobile mode
- Image display error when switching between MPR and 2D viewer for one image series
- **ie11和edge 支持保存图像功能
- 如果是定位片或者一幅图像,其他序列不应该index同步
- 相同序列的MG图像,平移不应该同步
Bug fix
- 保存图像时候,文件扩展名是.jpg,但是内容为png
- 如果是多frame文件,server端运算模式也应该切换到前端运算
- mobile模式下,xa图像没有显示slider
- **带定位图图像,加入到2d,再加载到mpr,再切回到2D,定位图不显示了
New feature
- The “Image Iaterality” and “View Position” information can be displayed in the image window( for MG image)
- Optimize getting study information efficiency of Restful api and Dicom QR integration mode
Bug Fix
- Solved the problem of saving direction information when saving screenshots
- Solve if the image does not store RescaleIntercept tag, and is a signed type, lossless compression is wrong
- Other issues
- 图像中,可以显示Image Iaterality 和View Position,例如可以显示MG图像摆位信息
- 优化Restful api和dicom qr集成模式获取检查信息的效率
Bug Fix
- 解决保存图像截图时候,无法保存方向信息的问题
- 解决如果图像没有存储RescaleIntercept,且为有符号类型,进行无损压缩和显示,出现像素内容不对的情况
- 其他问题修改
New feature
- new option param “threed” for targetApp, it means only mpr,volume and ve module can be visible
- new param ‘appType’ is supported in viewer’s param ,refer to the document website to learn more
- new param ‘ui’ is supported in viewer’s param ,refer to the document website to learn more
- viewer api is supported, you can call this api from CEF client(e.g. WPF or Form client)
- html5 cross-domain api is supported, you will need it when you use iFrame to integrate viewer to your product
Bug fix
- Important bug fix:Solve the problem that 3D occasionally fails to load for the first time
- targetApp参数支持threed,代表显示mpr,3d,ve模块
- viewer url加入参数appType,默认为空,如果为native或iframe,则会隐藏不必要按钮
- viewer url加入参数ui,如果&ui=image,则代表不显示面板和工具栏UI,可以用于自定义UI的用户,详细信息请参考相关开发文档
- 支持viewerAPI,可以用于桌面应用(如WPF或Form程序)通过CEF集成Viewer
- Viewer支持html5跨域(cross domain)调用相关api,如图像交互,模块切换等,可以用于通过iFrame方式集成viewer时候调用
Bug fix